Transition from Stasis
The seeds I planted last fall, I’m speaking literally here, are waking. Determined, they reach through the soil for the sun. My neighborhood is filled with the scent of citrus blossoms and I have been imagining gatherings on my patio.
We too, are experiencing Spring. It’s like waking up, groggy, not knowing what to hold onto as real. The stories around me change every day. Loss. Growth. Trauma. Healing. Grief…so much grief. Waiting for the return of things put on hold. Hoping other things never resurface. This is our re-entry moment. This is a moment for radical empathy. Let’s hold space for each other.
I am struck by the idea of a “new normal”. What was your normal before? Mine was often scheduled down the 15 minute increments. As life is picking up its pace, I am learning to be uncompromising in my need for time. My hands are tingling with excitement but I stay still for a few more moments. I am holding space for myself.
I look forward to reconnecting with you, I look forward to seeing you on set and behind the scenes. I look forward to all the opportunities coming for us all. Don’t we all need to create? Let me hear from you. Let’s collaborate and cooperate. I am holding space for you.