Hope Springs Eternal - see what I did there?
Why do we believe? With ferocity, we throw our intention to fate and trust that the universe will cant its whim in our direction and that somehow we have earned the virtue or paid some cost that now affords us what is ours rightly to reap as a reward or our due.
Is belief our trust, or our hubris? How does our belief outweigh someone else’s on a karmic scale? Are we fooling ourselves?
Is belief baseless optimism?
today is the day
this is my year
i earned this one
Did you though?
You did. Why not you? Why you? It is that arbitrary. Fate is chance as much as it is destiny. You worked for it, true. But based on who you know and where you are standing at that precise moment when the lightning strikes, it is your turn. This should both liberate you and help to unwind you from the concocted axle of what you believe you are owed.
The fact remains that you are owed nothing. No one is.
Hope is preferable. I hope. I choose you and me every day. Every damn day. At my core, I am not a cynic. Whereas believing is based on acceptance, hope’s roots are in expectation and desire. There’s momentum there. Navigation. A map, though the path is circuitous. A requirement for participation and not passivity.
Vernal Equinox is a tipping point. A shift in the seasons. Depending on where you are standing, it’s getting warmer or cooler. The barometer’s reading has changed. Wherever you are, I hope you are well and it’s working out for you. I hope to see you on set soon, even if I’m only allowed to take pics of my kicks.